Jesmonite Thixotrope To Thicken Jesmonite AC100
Regular price $69.00 Sale price $34.50 Save $34.50Prices reduced to clear an older batch. Rest assured that product is sealed from factory and usability is not affected. Jesmonite has advised that shelf life of 18 months starts from when bottles are opened.
Jesmonite Thixotrope is added to Jesmonite AC100 to thicken the material to a ‘Gel-Coat’ consistency. This is useful when brushing or spraying materials onto moulds with vertical faces as it prevents the material from slumping.
Thixotrope should be added to the mix after the powders and liquids, and is best mixed using our high-shear mixing blade (fixed onto a hand drill).
Add drop by drop until the desired consistency is achieved. Typical inclusion rates by weight are 2%–6% e.g. 2-6g per kilo of mixed material.
Thixotrope can also be used to make the material into a paste, which can be used as a repair filler, and jointing paste for bonding two laminates together.
1 bottle contains 1kg of thixotrope.
Technical Data Sheet